Monday, August 2, 2010

What are friends for?

It pleases me very much that my three mares are such good friends. Journey, (the Paint in the middle) is the dominant mare... but she's such a polite, sweet-natured boss. She shares her hay, she hangs with the other two mares... and the extreme of her assertiveness is when she lays her ears back, and bulldozes forward.
She assumes everyone loves her, and wants to be with her, and I think she's probably right.
But then, she does something like this... hanging her head over Dakota's back, seemingly for comfort, or companionship, that I remember how young she is.... Just a child, really. 
Just a great, big, 1250 lb. child needing to touch her family. How can you NOT love this horse?  :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. How could you not love her. She seems to always want to be around everyone, to know who is there and what is going on. You wouldn't think she would be the dominant mare, being she is the youngest. All three horses are beautiful.
