Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wrong camera

Another 100 degree day sent Bruce and I to our favorite canoeing spot- Vermilion Bay. We like to get there in the evening, when the animals become active.
The water was calm-
the shadows were just starting to deepen-
I brought my little "point and shoot" camera, because I didn't want to worry about my good camera getting wet- just in case we capsized the canoe... not that we ever have, but I'm a worrier.
We were getting to a weedy spot, and Bruce said, "This would be a great spot to see a moose." and then.... just as the words were coming out of his mouth...
there she was! 
she stepped into the weedy water, and began to eat.
and all I had was my little, very old, point and shoot! I couldn't believe it!
We paddled, very quietly...
until we were less than 100 yards away.
All I was thinking about was getting a better photo-
until Bruce, very quietly said....
"if she puts her ears back, we need to get out of here!"
It dawned on me, that I was pressing my luck.  We back paddled, slowly, and carefully, making as little noise as possible, and left Mama Moose to her business.
(click on the moose photos to see them enlarged).
The rest of the trip seemed uneventful, even though we saw geese, ducks, Bald eagles, Ospreys, and deer.
I commented that I thought this would be a great time to see a bear- but nothing became of it.
Bruce says you have to be a Biologist to make things like that happen.
I said, I should be an honorary Biologist by now! what with living with Bruce for 33 (almost) years- but Bruce says- Nope! doesn't count. And apparently he's right, because no bears crossed our path.
I wonder how we'll top this adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Boy, she was a gigantic one! I saw a mama in Glacier with a baby, but she was not as beefy as this one! Glad she did not charge you. They can be bad tempered. That's for sure! C.
