Thursday, November 17, 2011

You do what you have to

When I drive into work, I never have my "good" camera with me- which is silly, because the drive is incredibly beautiful- especially in the Fall.  There is one photo I've been dying to capture, and that's the approach to Trout Creek, over the bridge, looking into Martin Creek.  Day after day, I look at the view- no cars in sight, and tell myself, 'I could just stop on the bridge, snap the photo, and be on my way in a minute!' but I never remember to bring my SLR with me.
SOoooo.... you see where this is going, right?
Today, I remembered my camera! and I pulled out on the highway from Blue Slide- no traffic, per usual.  I got on the bridge, rolled down the passenger window, lifted my Canon, glanced in my rear view mirror to see headlights!  Eek!  I snapped the photo as I was accelerating- holding the camera in one hand.  That being said, it didn't turn out too badly!
Click on the photo to view it larger. It's worth it. It's a breath taking view, isn't it?


  1. Camera took that photo while you were moving!? Impressive.

  2. Just breath-taking, Mere! Love that area. It is a photographer's dream!

  3. nice to see you are taking pictures on the fly, if I can do it on my motorcycle you can to in a car.

  4. Is this a panorama or did you crop it to those proportions? Impressive either way but I'd kind'a like to see a real panorama if this wasn't one.
