Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wildlife show du jour

I first noticed her way out in the horse pasture. See her out there? 
A young, small coyote looking for a meal. 
I called to Bruce, and as we watched, we got to see her PLAY!
She would bite at a tall weed, then, play bow to it, run around it in circles, jump, frisk, and dart in to snap at it.  Bruce thinks she's this year's pup- inquisitive, playful and precious.
She even came into our yard to sniff around, and nose up some old leaves.
I noticed she had blood on her hip (if you open the photo, you'll be able to see it) but Bruce says no matter what the blood is from- a bite from another animal, a stick that poked her, a grazing bullet- it's not life threatening, as she was not, in the least, effected by it.
At one point, she spied Journey, and Journey spied her. They stretched towards each other, sniffing. The coyote gathered her courage and shot past the horse, whipping around to see the mare's reaction- which was nothing. I'm sure Journey thought the coyote was just another, quieter, Sheltie.  The little coyote, then, tried to play with Journey. More play bows, more tearing around in circles before she got tired, and flopped down in the pasture for a little nap.  
Bruce and I must have watched her for an hour. 
And of course, I fell in love with her.
And of course, I named her. :)
because she is so full of life.
I DO hope we will see her again.
I just hope the dogs and cats are inside when she comes to visit.


  1. Wonderful! She looks so healthy and big. Do you think she's related to the one that was killed by the Mountain Lion?

  2. I'm in love with Vita. She's so beautiful and innocent...just a child at play. She'll get serious about survival sometime soon, I guess, but just now, she's like any other youngster -- curious, playful, wide-eyed and in love with Life.

  3. Amazing photos! I like her name, Mere....

  4. You pick great names for your wildlife pets. :). She is so full of energy, just like a child, that it almost wears you out watching them.
