Sunday, January 15, 2012

tooting Chelsey's horn

I have to toot Chelsey's horn because she'll never do it. ;)

For Christmas, I gave the kids (including Chelsey- whom I hope never really grows up) rainbow glasses. They are so wonderful. When you put them on, and look at lights, the light is refracted so you see all these rainbows. I love them! they are MAGIC!  Chelsey took hers back to Children's Hospital so she could let children look through them for awhile, before sharing them with another child.  She liked the idea that one pair of glasses touched so many lives.  Chelsey got to one room where a little girl, maybe 6, named Emily, was being treated for something horrible. She'd lost all her hair, and had been in the hospital for weeks and weeks. She was frowning, and wouldn't talk. She was so obviously so sad, and so sick, and so disgruntled. Her mother said they hadn't seen her smile in weeks.  That's when Chelsey brought out the magic rainbow glasses, and handed them to Emily. She put them on, and suddenly started to smile! and then, to giggle! Her Aunt started to cry! and so, of course, Chelsey had to leave them with the child.  And Chelsey was actually APOLOGIZING to me when she told me this story!!! because she'd given the glasses away.

But I got to thinking.....  These children- feeling poorly, overwhelmed, scared and alone... they don't see the rainbows anymore. There are rainbows everywhere there is light- but we lose sight of that fact, just as we lose sight of the wonder and magic of the world.  And that's when we're in danger of losing our hope.  1 Corinthians 13:13 tells us "Faith, Hope, Love. These three. But the greatest of these is Love."  And I firmly believe this... HOWEVER- I do believe that HOPE is right up there with Love, side by side- linking arms, because Life cannot be sustained without it. Hope. And the symbol for hope is the rainbow. 

So, of course, I got on my computer and made another order- sending 12 pairs of rainbow glasses directly to Chelsey. I know she'll use them wisely- sharing them with numerous children- giving them to the ones who need to be reminded that the world IS full of rainbows even when you can't see them. 


  1. This is such a great touching story. Tears began to form as I read it. Very beautiful. I can just imagine how this girl's family felt as they saw her smile and giggle.

  2. Wow, did we ever enjoy this, the pics were great,but the story of chelset touched me, please give me the address so that imight send other glasses to chelsey,
    I will try to write you later today, things are crazy here, somuch to telyou,dana,s husband jim is in intensive care, he was close to death yesterday,

  3. What an enlightening story, Mere! The glasses are fantastic, much better than a kaleidoscope! So glad Chelsey could help those little ones!

  4. This post reminded me of one of those heart warming short stories you find in books around the holidays. Such a little thing, refracting glasses, that can bring so much joy.

    and Rod - I hope Jim is okay! I am sure I will hear all the details from my mom.

  5. Love this. :) And we took pictures through the magic glasses too! And they ARE magic! We still look through them every day. Lu says, "Look, mommy, I see all the beautiful colors of the rainbow!" However, she has decided that "Sadie is toooooo little for these glasses." as she clutches them tightly and keeps them for herself. Now, I know Chelsey will know just how to distribute more magic glasses but the thing is, it's not just the glasses that are touching's actually Chelsey's magic heart that's going around understanding, giving and loving. Another precious kind of magic that endears Chelsey to everyone she meets.
