Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Building a Wall

With the entire OUTSIDE of the gazebo (screens and all) stained, Bruce and I started building the stone wall which wraps around, following the contures of the patio.
Bruce is more precise than I am, but between the two of us... it's getting done! :)
We plan on building it 6 blocks high, so we have a ways to go. We're hoping the arbor will be built by tomorrow, and then, we have to start the wall on the other side of the patio. It takes longer than we thought it would!
But, we were treated to this incredible sunset while we were working.
I don't think I've ever seen the sun so RED (and these photos don't do it justice at all. I just couldn't get the color... even with my UV filter on). 
I don't know how Bruce feels about all this, but I have really enjoyed doing this project!


  1. Very cool! Stunning, and the wall looks great too! K.

  2. Beautiful job! I surely wish I could sip iced tea inside with you and watch the sunset! ~Linda
