Sunday, September 18, 2011

Too Close for Comfort

Awhile back, might even be two weeks ago now... I noticed Hobbes hugging the side of the house. When I opened the door to let him in, he slinked towards the door, glancing over his shoulders repeatedly. Once in the house, he tore upstairs, and didn't come down the rest of the evening.  You would have to know Hobbes to understand how unusual this is.  Hobbes is a force.  His mere presence strikes terror in the hearts of small animals, and demands complete, immediate obedience among our crew.  Bruce and I shrugged, but we were even more startled when the next morning, Hobbes came downstairs to eat, but refused to go outside!  This cat ALWAYS wants to be outside.
This went on for a few days.  Hobbes refused to go outside, or would step outside, linger on the back step, and want back inside immediately!  Bruce and I figured he'd had a narrow escape.  Since the horses weren't acting nervous, it couldn't be a mountain lion.  We figured Hobbes had been chased by a coyote.
A week passed, and Hobbes started venturing outside, but he stuck pretty close to the house.  He'd lounge on the glider, or sit on the wall.
but he would only visit his favorite haunt, the barn, if I were right there feeding the horses. Once I was done, Hobbes would come back to the house with me.
Today, we might have met the reason why.
Looking out the window, I spied a coyote in the pasture.  This isn't too unusual, but he WAS a bit closer than they usually get. I opened the door, to step outside and get a photo, and Piper streaked out!  It's worrisome.  Piper isn't the best trained dog, and I was afraid he would try to chase the coyote, etc. 
but my worry quickly turned to fear, when I saw the coyote look directly at Piper, and instead of running off, turned and started coming towards us!  I tried every trick in the book trying to get Piper inside (promises of a bone did the job), all the while thinking that my photo opportunity was over due to the large amount of calling, cajoling, and gesturing.
Then, Bruce called me and said, "Do you see him?" 
Instead of running during all the commotion, the coyote had actually come closer... right up to the back yard!
We watched in amazement, as he entered the back yard, oblivious to the Shelties barking and throwing themselves against the sliding glass doors.
He checked out our sprinklers
and sniffed around the yard.... probably smelling cat and dog.
Bruce says he's in excellent shape- not starving, and full grown- not a pup.
He was kind enough to pose for me... in fact, he was in NO hurry at all to leave!
Finally, I went back outside, and told him, very nicely, that he had to go now.  He actually walked TOWARDS me... very curious, before slowly wandering off by the garden.
I have nothing against coyotes... but I'll admit, this one is spooking me a bit.  He's just way too close for comfort, and I worry about ever letting any of our animals outside again!

A Beautiful Experience

Coming back up the trail from the barn, today, with my trusty sidekick, Hobbes, I heard a noise that made me stop.  Looking up, I saw a lovely, little buck sporting fairly long spikes- probably a 2 yr. old. He trotted off a few feet, but then, turned and really LOOKED at me- and... unbelievably...
he started walking towards me!
He got to within 20 ft. of me before stopping again.  Suddenly, I realized who he was! The little buck that would come in with his mother and her fawn last Spring.  The one I used to throw apples to!  I truly believe he recognized me! (and wanted apples, of course).
After a minute or two, he walked past, then, turned to look at me one last time before hopping the pasture fence.  I never fail to be awed by nature, and my encounters with the animals here.
(unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me when all this happened, so the buck pictured above is NOT the animal I am describing- HOWEVER, I think this little buck is Imp... the fawn I loved, and blogged about last Spring.  He, too, allows me closer than any wild animal should).