Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New life

Journey has a favorite cow. 
It's a Longhorn, brown and white, and it plays with her, albeit on it's own side of the fence, while Journey plays on hers.  They chase each other back and forth along the fence line. It's so endearing, that I look for that cow whenever the herd is in the lower pasture.  Tonight, I noticed she was acting strangely.  I put the binoculars on her, and watched awhile, concerned, when it dawned on me- she was calving! Her very first calf!  I grabbed my camera, and raced through our pasture while a very dramatic scene was unfolding. (please excuse the photos... the lighting was poor, and I couldn't get too close, so I was using my big lens, which doesn't let in much light).
First, a big, brown longhorn, whom I recognized as the cow's mother, raced over to the brown and white cow. They touched noses.  Then, more and more of the herd trotted over to the cow in labor. They encircled her completely, so I couldn't even see her in the middle of the pack. 
Then came some mooing, and they gathered to one side... taking turns touching the new born calf- touching the new mother, before ambling off.  The old solid brown cow didn't leave, however.  This was her grandchild, after all!
She stayed close by, lending her support, and who knows? Perhaps her advise, too. ;)
I was touched by the herd's instinct to help and protect the cow in labor- how the herd had recognized the cow's distress, and literally ran to help her.  I was touched by how each cow greeted the newborn calf and congratulated the mother.  And I was touched by how "human" it all felt.
By the way, Mom and baby are doing well.
Welcome to the world, #4
uh-oh... Mom says it's time we mooo-ve on.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Great pics, Meredith!! I know you wish you could have got closer but being there at the perfect time, to get the photos you did, is awesome. It is amazing, that the other cows circled and protected mother and child, welcoming it to the world, just as humans. :) If it had calved in the barn, you never would have got to see this.
