Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Trail cam 2

So- we DIDN'T wait a whole week this time! :)
When Cade came home for the 4th of July, we trudged out to the new place we'd tethered the camera, to bring it back to the house. To our astonishment, we found the camera on the ground.
and the tether clasp broken.
We hoped the photos would give us a clue to what had been going on out there in the woods.
More deer photos, of course.  I don't mind. I never get tired of our deer.
and something new! A BUNNY! Who knew we had wild bunnies around!
Then! we got a thrill!!!
Our BEAR! Our blonde bear (that I named Cinnamon). She's still hanging around, although we haven't seen her in weeks! No wonder Journey is nervous down in that corner of the property! 
The next series of photos explains WHY we found the camera on the ground.
Bears are notoriously disdainful of trail cameras... which is why they are usually sold with bear-proof cases.  Apparently, Cinnamon didn't like the flash going off when she walked by. She turned around and investigated.
We think this is where she was tearing the camera off the tree.
And this is where it ended up on the ground, face up.
But she wasn't done yet.  The next photo....
she must have turned the camera over.  That's how we found it, face down... no more photos.
The camera is perfectly fine, and Bruce and Cade jerry-rigged the tether.
And immediately set out the camera in yet a different spot!
To Be Continued!....

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