Sunday, December 13, 2009


It's snowing! Granted we aren't getting much. An inch and a half.... but who knows? It's still coming down!

I think it looks like a Christmas card... the soft, white flakes... the deer in their Winter coats.

The animals don't mind the snow. For one thing, at 23 degrees, it's so much warmer than last week when we endured 9 below zero for a few days.

The Shelties don't want to come in!

They roll, and jump, and run and play. They love eating the snow (although they have a full bowl of water in the house) and usually their little noses are covered in white.

The bunnies love the snow, too. They have a heat lamp to keep them warm, but you don't find the near it today! They are out in their bunny yard, enjoying the weather.

Hobbes is NOT particularly fond of the snow. He still comes with Selkie, Piper and I to feed the horses, but instead of loitering around outside afterwards, he comes straight into the house with me.

The chickens had never seen snow before today! and they were appropriately suspicious. They gathered in the doorway, and clucked, and chattered. Eventually, one of the Barred Rocks was pushed out into the fluffy white stuff... and since she didn't seem to sustain any ill effects, it wasn't long before the rest of the flock followed suit.

As for me, I LOVE snow! especially at this time of year. It certainly adds to the Christmas spirit.  So, Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS season, enjoying every aspect of every experience!


  1. Love you - love this blog! ty! hugs Happy New Year - should I send you my egg cartons???????
    This ading thing is very comlicated here! lolololol - So I am being anon - Dawn

  2. normally I can speel ~ Happy your folks anniversary - know you're thinking of it - me Dawn Anon again - getting to like this anon thingie
