Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Wonderful Man

Have I told you I love my husband?  Let me tell you a story that will explain one of the reasons why.
For awhile now, I've been worried about our wildlife.  Winter is lasting too long- so long that the deer could be in trouble.  Bruce has had reports of fawns, curling up under trees and dying of malnutrition. It seems like they get thinner, and bonier every day.
The problem is that we've had so much snow, and it's lasted so long, that travel is difficult for the deer. They are using up so much energy, getting from one place to another looking for food, that the food they DO find, doesn't give them enough nutrition and energy to balance out their efforts. They keep  getting further and further behind. I've tried to help by throwing apples in the yard, under trees, etc. but now... I'm out of apples, and the deer are more in need than ever.
It was with this in mind, when I announced... I HAVE AN IDEA!  Now, those of you who know me, realize I ALWAYS have an idea.  I take after my Mother in that respect.  And one of the reasons I love Bruce is because he is so patient in putting up with my ideas.... wonderful as they may be   :)
I was determined to find something nutritious for the deer to eat. I'd even tried beet pulp pellets (see what I mean about my ideas?) but the deer just spit them out. That's when I remembered that deer LOVE witch's hair!  You know... that black, mossy stuff that hangs off the branches of trees?  AND the important part is that Bruce says it's super high in protein, and VERY good for deer.  My idea was to rake it out of the trees! 
It was much harder than it sounded.  I was out there with a plastic rake, reaching way up high in the branches, snagging the mossy stuff... but it was so sticky!  and it wouldn't just come out of the trees as I'd supposed.  BUT, those of you who know me understand.... I was DETERMINED!  and I stuck with it.  I'd probably have stuck with it far into the night when I heard my husband's voice. "Mere?  This will work better."
He had a little hand saw thing on the end of a long pole type thing.  He'd already sawed branch after branch of "deer gold." :)  He had branches stacked up, heavily laden with black, sticky moss, and he was going after more.  Have I told you how much I love this man?
The deer didn't even wait until he went into the house. They were already chowing down, while we stacked branches in our garage so I could dole it out- some each day.
I know it's wrong to artificially feed wildlife-  I know all the reasons.  But there is something to being... what?  humane? empathetic?  *shakes head*... no, I think it's just KIND.  To help out a little... especially in a natural way (in other words... NOT with those horrible deer feed pellets they sell in stores... and NOT with hay- which deer cannot digest anyway).  Just maybe reaching up a bit higher than a deer can stretch, to pull down some food during a rough Winter. 
I can feel Bruce shaking his head and sighing :)  but he puts up with me anyway.
(and between you and me... I have some GREAT ideas! :)  At least, the deer think so).


  1. okay BRILLIANT woman - you got me cryin again..hugs - much love ~ D

  2. What would all the critters do without you, Mere?
    They are lucky you are such a tender heart. Both you and Bruce are lucky to have each other... C.

  3. Not crazy at all. Just ask the deer.
