Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Saving the gazebo

I DO feel sorry for my husband- 
You see, I’m a worrier (his words) and a thinker (my words) and I can’t seem to ever turn my brain off. And I come up with all sorts of things that WE need to do, which often involve my poor partner, of almost 40 years, doing a TON of work. 
Take last night- I woke up at 2 am, checked the temperature to know whether or not to start worrying about the horses, and suddenly thought: We’re supposed to be getting MORE snow, and I really think we need to get the snow off the roof of the gazebo. 
We kinda use the snow on the roof of the gazebo as an inaccurate gauge
of how much snow we’ve gotten. It’s, also, that it’s just so pretty.... a sort of Winter cupcake- and we all know how much I love taking photos... but NOW, the forecast is for the temperature to soar into the upper 20’s!!! With MORE snow, before plummeting again into single digits and sub zero weather.
And worse, after that bout? 
It’s supposed to start RAINING! And that would definitely be the kiss of death for our beloved gazebo.  (This is how my mind works 😳) So, when poor Bruce got up at 6 am, I had a plan. 
Out in the snowing morning, we used rakes, a ladder, and a shovel to clear the roof of the gazebo as much as we could.

Trust me.... although these photos don’t show it, I was VERY much an active participant in this endeavor. I had the rake, and was balanced on the tiny retaining wall, reaching up as far as I could. I was COVERED in snow from small avalanches coming off the roof! 
It was actually quite fun. 
I was, also, the one holding Bruce’s ladder when he had to set it on ice to get the last side... even though he kept saying I was making him more nervous standing there because there’s no way I could hold the ladder if it started slipping- I don’t think he was right. 
I think we did a pretty good job despite the fact we couldn’t reach the very middle. It’ll definitely be fine to hold the new snow.
When we came in the house, I looked at the clock. I had fed all the horses, and chickens, hauled water, and helped clear the roof of the gazebo, and Bruce had fed the dogs and cats, hauled up wood from the barn and helped clear the roof of the gazebo, and it wasn’t even 9:30 am. 
Not bad for a couple of lazy, Libtard, snowflakes, huh? 
Now- to actually start our day.

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