Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trail Cams are useful

I use trail cameras as a fairly inexpensive home security system. I have them hidden so close to every square inch of our property is covered! In the back of my mind, I know I'll see who tramps through Wind's Echo, but mainly, I have them set so I know what animals are prowling around. I feel safer knowing what's out there. 
And.... it's FUN! :)
I check them often- some of them daily 
(I suppose I SHOULD correct the date and time :/) 
Today, when I went out, the kittens followed me. NAUGHTY kittens!!! I really do not want them going out that far- And when I went to chase them back to the barn, I noticed that Pagan's hackles were up, and his tail puffed out as if he were scared of whatever he was sniffing vigorously. 
When I got back to the house, I checked the cards. Sure enough, what I suspected showed up on camera. 
But was even more worrisome was farther down the card.
two of them... just before I came down to release the kitties from their nighttime enclosure. 
I grabbed Skye, and we went back down to the barn. 
The kittens were outside playing, but when they saw Skye, they raced to safety in the hay.
Skye and I walked the pastures for a bit- I wanted the coyotes to see or smell her, and I wanted the kittens to STAY in the BARN!
On days like these, I never relax. I'll be outside running back and forth to the barn for the next few days at least. Part of the trials of loving, I suppose, and living in the country. 

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