Thursday, November 7, 2019


Recently, I decided to post 3 things I'm thankful for on my Facebook wall for each day in November. It's easy. Frankly, the difficult part is paring down my thankful list to just 3 a day! But I find the exercise useful, as it really gets me thinking and starts the day in a good frame of mind. 
This is what I was ruminating about while I fed the horses, chickens and kittens this morning... ALL the many, many things I was grateful to have in my life... thankful to notice and appreciate. And I stumbled on one that made me laugh, because it's a bit controversial.
I am thankful for Worry. 
Oh, I've read all the quotes, and memes and articles- I've listened to the podcasts and lectures telling people how detrimental worrying is, but I feel like Worry gets a bad rap. To me, worry is just proof of the many things in my life worthy of loving. Worry, to me, is active Love. Here's an example: When my husband goes off on one of his many long-distance hunting trips, I worry. I envision him surrounded by Light- I ask for Guardian Angels to watch over him and keep him safe. I ask the Universe, and anyone else with any clout to keep him alert, and aware of his surroundings and to bring him safely home to me. I project forward images of him arriving back home, happy and healthy. I do this because I care. I do this because I love him. 
Another example- (there are SOOO many!) Every day, after feeding the animals, I tell the kittens to STAY IN THE BARN!!! They are safe in the barn- but there are many dangers for cats in the big, wide world. I worry about them because I love them, but especially, in cases like this, worry serves a bigger purpose. When I worry, I brainstorm. WHAT am I worried about? and HOW can I mitigate the damages? This worry has led me to insulating, and re-purposing an old chicken coop, into a deluxe cat house, with a self heating blanket, a litter box, etc. where I house the kittens at night when the dangers are maximized. This worry has led me to making the kittens as absolutely safe as I can manage- and worry keeps me brainstorming for new ideas upon which I can act to improve that protection. 
Image may contain: cat
So, I argue that worry serves a purpose! and worry expresses the degree of my love. (And when I love.... I LOVE! ;) It can be overpowering.... ask my children). 
I, totally understand there are other points of view! Many disagree with me, and have valid arguments! But I'm hopeless to change, because I don't want to modify my position on this. Actually, I'm happier when people worry about me! Their concern feels like love to me. And I get reinforced when my worry leads to actions which benefit my loved ones.
Keep this in mind when I tell you to BE CAREFUL! or to Call me when you get home! When I bother your neighbors or family because I'm unable to get a response from you, and it's been awhile since I've seen you online. It just means I love you. You're important to me.

1 comment:

  1. I know you always worry about people. Many times I recall you worrying about Cass, Chelsey and Cade and Bruce when they were out. And the times you worried about the boys and I making it home safely. You never relaxed until you got confirmation everyone made it home.
