Thursday, October 20, 2011

So.... here's the deal

You might be wondering why you can only access this site with an invitation.  If you've tried to get into the blog, without going through the email permission, you were turned away. At least that's how it's supposed to work.

It's not through some capricious whim that I decided to make this blog private- it's because there is a man in Thompson Falls who hates Bruce and is doing his damn-est to get him fired. Someone, for some reason, gave him the URL to this blog, and he has been photocopying pages and sending them to Bruce's boss. His attempts to rile up Jim Williams (Bruce's boss) have been in vain, BUT I feel incredibly violated.... knowing this person, who hates us so much, and is trying to hurt us, is reading my innermost feelings, and the events of our family's life.

And so... it's not because I want to exclude anyone other than this man.  In fact, if you have someone you know enjoys reading this blog, please send me their email, and I'll send them an invitation-  (like Ferguson's?, Helen...).  So, for now, anyway- the World Through Silvyr's Eyes is private- which is disappointing to me.

1 comment:

  1. Morning! Sorry you had to do this =( And somehow I've signed up three times...I'm hoping there will come a time when you can openly share this wonderful spot again! hugs & smiels
