Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evening Canoe Ride

The Weatherman had been fairly persistent predicting the end of our warm weather. Tuesday, so he warned, would usher in a cold front accompanied by rain. Bruce and I had been trying to get out on the canoe for weeks, but there had been so much work to accomplish at home. Wood to be cut in the woods, and brought home to be split and stacked- Vegetables to be harvested and "put up" (as my Gramma Perrin would say), as well as regular household chores. But with the approach of bad weather looming, we decided we just couldn't afford to miss the opportunity to get out on the water one more time. We decided to postpone dinner Monday night, and leave as soon as Bruce got home from work.It didn't take us long to put the canoe in the water and start paddling.

The water was smooth as glass, and reflected the shoreline so perfectly, it looked like a double image.

We saw signs of beaver, watched a flock of
Canada geese, and disturbed an irritable Great
Blue Heron.

The sky was ablaze by the time we turned to go home- an incredible sunset, colors so vivid it took your breath away. Instead of simply getting some exercise for our bodies, we rejuvenated our souls. I'm so thankful we made the time for this experience.

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