Friday, November 27, 2009

Our Thanksgiving 2009

Our Thanksgiving was smaller and quieter than in years past. Cass, our oldest, spent the holiday with his girlfriend at her parent's house outside of L.A.  Chelsey, having moved to Alabama this year, drove up to my sister's house in Indiana. Both of them were surrounded by much family and friends, and enjoyed a bustling, busy vacation.

Poor Cade, our youngest, was the only one who could make it home to celebrate with Bruce and I. He watched football games, ate, slept and went hunting with his Dad. I hope we didn't bore him.

The house was decorated, per usual.

Many of the decorations being either ones the kids had made long ago, or ones inherited from my mother.

Long ago, I had cross stitched this table runner, and this year, I'd managed to cross stitch a pretty bread cloth... I think it's a nice addition!

The pies were made along with the cranberry sauce... honey oatmeal rolls, Gramma's Nuts and Bolts. I tried a new recipe for the sweet potatoes. We had turkey, sausage stuffing, green bean casserole (which is Cade's favorite), and mashed potatoes as well. I tried to make smaller amounts than usual. I don't think I succeeded. But there is an upside to that... I'm pretty thankful I don't have to cook tonight!

Cade helped set the table, and forgot to put on the silverware! *LOL* but that was soon remedied, and dinner was served.

I forgot to buy gravy mix (yes... I make gravy from a mix! It's just about the ONLY thing I make from a prepackaged mix, though) Anyway... Bruce saved the day, and made old fashioned gravy from the drippings in the turkey roaster. 

After dinner, Bruce got a lot of help when he finished up carving the turkey. At one point, he had all three cats, and the two Shelties at his feet, just in case he dropped a little something on the floor.

Sometimes he shared!  I mean, it's only right. :)

Yes... our Thanksgiving was pretty subdued - but I'm guessing Christmas will make up for it!

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