Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day

We are well aware that Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service.  And we take time to give thanks for the many who have sacrificed, often ultimately, for the many freedoms we enjoy.
That being said, Memorial Day was, also, a weekend Cade managed to get home.  Combine that with a couple of fairly dry days, and that equates to WORK.
First, Bruce had Cade help him by cutting out the sod around our trees, and piling in the mulch.
Not only does it look nice, but the mulch will keep the roots moist and cool in the Summer, warmer in the Winter, as well as acting as compost, adding nutrients to the soil.
As long as they were on a roll, Bruce wanted the sod pulled out of the flower beds.  The grass had creeped ever closer to the house, until it looked like our flowers were growing out of the sod.
This was a HUGE job. The sod had to be cut, and shoveled, and pulled up.  It was HARD work.
We have a lot of flower beds.
and this generated a lot of sod....
which got me thinking.
First, I took some of the sod, and put it down on plastic, for our baby chicks in the garage.  Oh! they made such happy clucks!
THEN, I started sodding the bunny enclosure!
You think the chicks were happy!!!  These bunnies thought they landed in 7th Heaven!
The flower beds look SO much nicer!
Now, all we need is landscape edging, and more cedar mulch... but that's a story for another day.
We took a break by driving the 45 min. to a nursery outside of Plains, MT.  There we bought more flowers and plants- in other words, more work.... :)  but I LOVE ambling through the nursery, and choosing from all those lovely possibilities!
Memorial Day dinner was grilled Soy Sauce chicken, potato salad, corn, and corn muffins with homemade raspberry jam.  Mmm!
You'd think the work was over, right?  But before Cade could leave the next morning, Bruce had him outside cleaning out the gutters.
Cade always says he LIKES to help out.
Bless his heart!
Hobbes says HE knows how to spend a holiday.
So, again- all you veterans-
for securing our freedom to express our lives in the manner we see fit.
To work,
to play,
to grumble or rejoice.
I still believe in my country.  I would not care to live anywhere else.

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