Monday, May 28, 2012

On a Mission

 Last Fall, when riding in the woods, Wynter stumbled on some barbed wire partially embedded in the ground.  I went back later, and couldn't find it, BUT on our most recent trail ride, it was Shannon's horse, Sheila, who pulled up the barbed wire.  This is SUCH a dangerous thing for horses.  I marked the area in my head, and vowed to go back to pick up the wire.
When I told Bruce about it, he agreed that we couldn't leave the wire in the woods.  He jumped on the tractor, and drove down to help me find it.
We found it, alright, and there was SO MUCH MORE than what we'd realized.  Apparently, long ago, there was a fence that divided this field.  The fence posts had rotted and fallen down, but no one had bothered to pick up the barbed wire.  It was two strands, sometimes embedded in the earth, sometimes hanging about an inch above ground- a perfect, and lethal trip wire to any animal running through the area.
We were shocked at just how much wire there was!  Bruce started rolling it up.
We had to periodically, cut it, wind it up, and wrap it around a high stump to get it safely out of the way. 
Frankly, I was amazed no one had been seriously hurt the other day.  We'd ridden all through this area. 
Just when we thought we'd found it all, we'd see another fence post, and find more wire.
As always, we were watched.  I wonder if the deer understood that the forest was safer for them now, too?
Finally, we coiled the last of it, and headed back home.  I know I'll ride easier when we take that trail again.
and I swear Wynter was saying, "Thank you!" too.


  1. I'm sure the deer and Wynter both know what you are doing and thanking you. I'm glad you found it all. Great job to you and Bruce!!
