Thursday, June 21, 2012

BEAR! again!

It was about 6:20am when Selkie sounded the alarm.  Bruce sat up in bed, and said, 'What's the matter with her?' and I said, 'That's her BEAR! bark'.  Selkie was lying on the trunk, nose pressed to the window screen, when she suddenly sat up, and sounded the alarm again.  It's a very distinctive howl followed by yips and short barks. She sniffed at the window again, turned, ran and jumped on the bed, obviously scared.  Bruce looked out the window, and said, 'I don't see... Wait! There! It IS the bear!' It was over by the garden, and coming closer to the house!  Piper joined in the barking. Hobbes started growling. Itty hid under the bed.  You can imagine what the house sounded like!  It's no surprise the bear dove off into the woods.
but Selkie stayed nervous.
When I took her out to go potty, (because she wouldn't leave the door stoop unless I was outside with her) she kept sniffing, and sounding her bear howl.  I couldn't see anything, but I didn't waste a lot of time trying, either. 
We came back into the house, and Piper walked into the bedroom (which overlooks the front lawn) and started barking. I walked in to see what was going on, and saw it just about the time Bruce yelled, 'BEAR!'
It was right ON THE FRONT LAWN! right by the Canadian Red tree (for those of you who have been here).  I ran to get my camera, and by the time I got back, I had missed all the good photos. :(
Our bear was meandering into the woods between the house and our garden.
Bruce missed seeing the bear the first time she came around.  He had only my description to go by, so imagine my surprise when he tells me I UNDER estimated the size! He says the bear is fully grown- probably 4-5 yrs. old.  He's not sure if it's a Boar or a Sow.... but it likely weighs in around 150 lbs. which is about the standard size of our Black bears around here.  Not especially large, but not small either. 
Once again, it proved to be a very GOOD bear.  It overturned rocks and ate ants and bugs, and munched on some clover.  It didn't even get near the chickens, which is our main concern.

I took the Shelties with me when I went to feed the mares and chickens.
They didn't bark, or show any fear, so I knew the bear had left.  I did tell Journey that she was allowed to chase the animal if it came near our hens.  I just hope she listened to me.


  1. WOW!!!! Amazing shots, Meredith!!! Even the bears know you have the good stuff there, even if it is bugs and clover. :)

  2. Hope it stays out of your garden! Better guard your berries if you have them! Good Selkie for sounding the alarm! I'm so glad you have your loyal companions to keep you safe!
