Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Strutting his Stuff!

It was funny, because it was just the other day that I told Bruce, I'd never been able to take a photo of a male turkey strutting for the females. It was one of those things on my bucket list that I just hadn't had the chance to fulfill.  Usually, I see the cliche Thanksgiving turkeys on my drive into work... and there is either a car behind me, OR I'm late OR my camera is buried under a pile of preschool papers.  But today, while I was settled on the couch reading, I heard this odd noise.
The Shelties jumped up, growling, but even they didn't know what it was yet.  Quickly, I locked them in the bedroom, grabbed my camera, and looked into the back yard. There was a magnificent Tom, clucking and displaying.  How convenient is that?
But, he was definitely a "man on a mission".  He didn't stay in the yard at all, but strutted through with a purpose, down into our far meadow.  I followed him at a distance to discover his agenda.
And then, I saw where he was headed!
Unbelievably, there was a SECOND Tom! I guess they were having a "display contest!"  Both of them clucking, and spreading their tails. What a cool sight!  I guess you have to be a hen to have a clue who was winning.
We've lived in this house almost 5 yrs. and this is the first time I've seen this.  Makes me wonder what other cool stuff is in store for us!  :)


  1. You were so lucky to see this! We have turkeys here, but in my yard it is the pheasants that have been around. One who I call Mr. Pheasant already has 2 hens with him. He is as big as a turkey though! :)
