Friday, June 8, 2012


I was talking to Cade on the phone when the cat (Hobbes) started to growl, and tore, lightening speed, up the stairs to hide under the bed. Bewildered I glanced outside and saw.....
It was CLOSE! like RIGHT next to the house!
(I'm aware this is a terrible photo- too fuzzy- but it's the ONLY one that shows the side of the house. See? on the left? That's the house!)
It walked over to the bunny enclosure, and pawed at that for a few seconds
then, came back around to the side of the house
where it tossed a tree stump aside (easily- without effort! Amazing!)
and started eating bugs, or grubs, or whatever....
Remember, I was telling you about my bucket list?  I'm pretty sure seeing a bear in my backyard was on it, too.
INCREDIBLE experience! I am SO blessed!


  1. I like the turkeys better...a bit safer! Hope this guy/girl doesn't stick around!

  2. Wow!! That is awesome!!! Was it at the front of the house or by the back sliding door at the great room? I remember you had posted about wanting to see a bear on your bucket list. :)

  3. So cool! Wonders never cease at your house!
