Friday, April 9, 2010

Remedying a Mistake

So... remember way back in February, when I said that Montana had skipped February and March, and gone straight into April? Or was that the end of January.... no matter.  Montana has discovered her mistake and is working overtime to remedy the situation.

Now it's April, but it looks and feels more like the end of Jan. beginning of Feb!  We have SNOW! hail, lows in the 20's, highs in the 30's. *sighs*
This poor little Bluebird, and I think it's a pretty rotten trick. There was no snow when we wanted snow... but then.... once we got Spring Fever, and started looking forward to the nice weather... BOOM!!!
Winter strikes. 
PLEASE bring Spring back soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think Mother Nature got her seasons mixed up briefly. Hopefully she gets it corrected soon. It's been cold and raining here the last 3 days on and off and a little snow yesterday
