Monday, April 5, 2010

Wynter's first elk encounter

Wynter's previous owner told me that the little mare had seen a few deer in her lifetime, but never an elk, so when the elk came down, I was curious to see what her reaction would be.
A couple of them hopped the fence into the horse's pasture. Unfortunately, I was torn between seeing how Wyn would react, and running to grab my camera- so I don't have any photos of the stand off.  Wynter was very intrigued. Her head went up, her ears pricked forward. She snorted and took two steps forward, and one back, and then... just stood her ground. The elk looked at her, then, turned and left.
Wynter took her cue from Dakota, and went back to grazing.  But when she saw me standing there, she turned and looked at me like...."WHAT was that???" :)

1 comment:

  1. Wynter is letting them know who rules the roost there until she gets to know them.
