Friday, October 14, 2011

Coyote Maternity Den

I'm pretty sure I mentioned that we had a family group of coyotes on our property all summer.  Coyotes don't live in packs- so the only time you see more than 2 together is when they have had pups, and are living as a family for a few months.  Anyway- when Journey and I were out riding, we found the maternity den!  See it?
Later, I brought Bruce out and he confirmed that's what it was.
The coyotes have dispersed. About a month or so ago, a mountain lion killed one of the coyotes (yep! on our property! It's always exciting here).  The coyotes howled non-stop for 2 days, and then, disappeared.  Once we realized what had happened, we felt sorry for them. It was such a mournful sound.
The den goes way back, and turns a corner.  I'm betting it's fairly roomy inside.  I wonder if coyotes utilize the same dens over and over?  I'll have to ask Bruce.


  1. You could just ask the coyotes - I bet they would know.

  2. How interesting... I just found out today that there are wolves that cross my property on the way to the Flathead River, which is at the end of my road. I had planned to walk down there and now wonder if I will be safe? Ask Bruce if I need to carry some bear spray... I hope I will be able to walk there safely, as it is so convenient. I will really have to keep an eye on Ming now...

  3. i think that you should ask the Dna
