Monday, October 10, 2011

On going process Part 3

The next time I went back, I vowed I would walk into that round pen with authority! and while I may not have totally succeeded, I was certainly much better.  And the cool thing, was that I could see Journey respond.  Maybe I COULD get the hang of this training stuff.  Working in the round pen was actually pretty fun- especially when you stepped back to get the horse to stop, turned your back, and let your horse come to you. I felt like I was in a Monty Robert's video! Join-Up! LOL!
Shannon had a plan. She decided we'd go on a short ride- me on Journey, while Shannon and Maddie rode Jurassic. (Maddie admonished me for not wearing boots. At 4, she's already a consummate horsewoman, and I think a bit bewildered at my reticence). Shannon assured me that Journey was "rock solid"- a wonderful horse I could trust- unfazed by anything.  I heard the words, I just couldn't quite believe it. We walked down the streets of Trout Creek with dogs barking, horses whinnying, people hammering, boards clattering, while a huge propane truck came barreling down the road and passed us.  I jumped at each and every sound, but Journey never missed a beat.  Shannon told me how she'd taken Journey on a 4 1/2 hr. trail ride where a Bull moose jumped onto the trail heading straight towards my little mare. She didn't snort, or bolt or shy. Rock solid.

The following Thursday, when I arrived after teaching, tutoring and cleaning, I was surprised to see my horse already saddled! Shannon, Maddie, Dane, Alan and Joanie were all waiting on me- and off we went! (Joanie admonished me for not wearing boots. LOL! I got the message, and have worn them every time since!)  I was a bit better with the town noises, but Shannon was going to push me a bit more. This time we had to cross railroad tracks- which Journey handled like a pro.  I envisioned getting stuck between the rails, and having a train come, etc. but of course that never happened.  We opened a gate, and took off on a trail through the woods. We saw deer, and cows, and trotted a bit. I tried relaxing, and once again, while not completely succeeding, I DID improve.  On the way home, we heard a train coming down the tracks. You can only imagine my relief when the group decided to wait it out, and not try to cross in front of it- relief that quickly turned to nervousness.  Here I was- sitting on a horse, at a TRAIN CROSSING! with a train coming! blowing it's horn!  But, you know- Journey never even flinched. She watched it at first, but decided it wasn't anything very interesting. Once it passed, we crossed the tracks, and headed home.  I'll admit, I was very impressed!

And now, Shannon decided I was ready to take things a bit further. 
The next time I showed up, Shannon decided we'd go a bit farther on the day's ride. It was Shannon, Maddie, Kyle and myself that day.   Later, I swore Shannon was trying to kill me.   We crossed railroad tracks numerous times, went up steep hills, DOWN steep embankments, where Journey had to slide on her haunches to get down, bushwhacked through the forest, between trees where there was no room for my legs, and Journey got her reins entangled in branches, and Jurassic got her back foot caught in wire!  Then, across a bridge (new experience for her, and not one she liked a lot) AND into the resevoir!!!   oh yes... INTO the resevoir! (which was another first for her AND me!)   AND it turns out that Journey LOVES water! She went in and drank... then, she started slapping at the water with her front leg, making it splash. THEN, she put her entire head UNDER water!   Shannon says it's unusual to have a horse love water, and it's just one more special thing about her.  Suddenly, Shannon told me to get her OUT of the WATER! because Journey looked like she was going to lie down- taking me, the saddle, etc. with her. Crazy horse! When I think about my ride, I STILL shake- BUT I did it! and Journey did it. 
We're getting better together.
The daunting thing, is that this was NOT a particularly exciting, dangerous trip to anyone's thinking but my own... and I am including the 4 yr. old, Maddie. *sighs*

1 comment:

  1. Ahh... The Woman From Snowy River... What an experience you had! I am so proud of you and Journey!

    My friend from Eastern Oregon used to have a Paint and they would go swimming together. Her horse would splash her and lay down in the water. They would get in water fights and have SO much fun! It really brought back memories of the bond they had. I think you and Journey are on the way...
