Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wouldn't you know it!

It was time for Bruce's annual "meeting" with his fellow Biologists.  I think they actually DO have a meeting- but then, they camp out in some wilderness area, and go hunting the following day.  It's a great chance for the colleagues to exchange ideas, get a grasp of what's going on in the region, AND have fun together.  As Cade says, "Dad looks forward to this 354 days out of the year... the remainder of the time, he's doing it!"  I never begrudge him this trip.  He enjoys it so, and truth be told, even though this leaves me to do all the chores alone, I don't mind a little "me" time. 
But wouldn't you know it?  THIS year...
this is what I had to drive home in last night.... and feed the horses, chickens, and bunnies. (I kept thinking, 'if I go off the road, there won't be anyone to know about it until Thurs. morning when I don't show up at preschool!' Eek!)  The temperature plunged to 10 degrees, and I'd had a REALLY rough day at preschool (a LONG story involving school politics).  I was exhausted when I had to go out and put logs in the wood furnace at 9 pm. (although, pitch black, and a bit eerie, the snow had stopped, the stars were out, the snow sparkled in the moonlight. It's an amazing experience).
but this isn't what I'm grumbling about.  Some time during the night, I got SICK!!!  Not just the "bad-cold-in-my-chest" sick that I've been fighting... but the horrible, sleep-in-the-bathroom type sick. I'll spare you the details.!
Of course, I still had to get up this morning, and stoke the wood furnace again (It has to be done twice a day), and feed the mares, bunnies and chickens (also, done twice a day).
If Bruce had been home, he'd have done that for me.
but if he had, I'd have missed this!  
Montana is a land of trade-offs, and there's just something about it, that gets you feeling stronger despite yourself.


  1. Sorry you were 'under the weather' but you did get some special photos, as you said. Hopefully being out in all the fresh air rejuvenated you at least a little. Hope last night was a lot better.

  2. Hope you're up to snuff soon...
