Monday, October 21, 2013

Foggy morning

Montana Autumn mornings typically have a lot of fog.  Eventually, the sun will come out, and burn the mist away, but until that happens...
walking down to the barn is a mystical adventure!
Every blade of grass is a work of art.
Bejeweled spider webs are everywhere.
and I'm positive, if I could look closely enough, I could see entire worlds within the drops of dew.
But then, the sun DOES start to melt through the thick blanket of fog,
the world brightens.
and the horses nicker impatiently, reminding me of the purpose of my visit! (which initially, was NOT to take a bunch of photos!)
By the time I finish feeding, and start back to the house, the fog is nearly gone.
and another beautiful Fall day is about to begin.

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