Friday, March 5, 2010

Babysitting Cats

Montana (at least the North Western corner of Montana) has skipped March and April, gone directly to May!  Ok... at least, that's how it felt today.  I realize this really IS March in Montana, and we could get a foot of snow tomorrow... but as for today.... GORGEOUS Spring weather- soft breeze, honestly- 70 degrees! Forget the chores! The Shelties and I just HAD to get outside for a walk. We headed towards the Point, and scared up two elk! Since I WANT the elk to stick around, we immediately turned back the other way, and scared up 10 deer. Hmmmmm... there was nothing to do, but take our walk in the horse pasture. But Dakota was feeling Spring fever, too, and got just a bit too frisky with the Shelties, so we turned towards home.
  But it was still too nice to go inside, so we decided to let the cats have some fun.  I'm sure I've talked about the cats. I KNOW I've mentioned Hobbes- but I'll give you a quick introduction.  Hobbes is the ONLY one of our three cats that I allow outside unsupervised. For one thing... just the mere presence of Hobbes is intimidating. There's just something about him.  But the main reason he enjoys special privileges is that he's SMART... and he goes insane if he doesn't get some time outside.
  So, while Hobbes was busy climbing the trees....  I let out Itty, and India.
Itty was smart enough to approach the preschool during recess time, 2 yrs ago. He was starving, and scared, and about 5 mos. old. The children heard him meowing, and a helper managed to catch him. One look at those worried, green eyes and I was hooked! 
He's a medium-haired, fluffy, lover of a cat... but when he gets outside, he hides, and refuses to come back into the house. Hence, I don't let him out, unless I can keep an eye on his whereabouts. I am nothing if not vigilant.
India, is deaf and de-clawed. (I have to say here, that I would never de-claw a cat.... but having been given a cat, already de-clawed, is a wonderful thing! :)  Because he can't hear... and could never defend himself, Indie is the cat we watch the closest outside. He usually doesn't stray far, but we don't take any chances. He's a big, beautiful, tubby boy! and he LOVES his short excursions in the great outdoors.
The Shelties and I stayed close to the cats while they ate a little grass, and explored around the house. Itty has been itching to get outside at the birds. He was trembling with excitement as the little birds flitted overhead.
Indie actually got a bit overwhelmed, and headed back to the house.  As the days get nicer, the cats will be able to be outside more often. Good days ahead! :)


  1. I love seeing pictures of them. I'm glad to see Dakota is doing better. Hobbes and Itty look like hunters seeking their prey. Indie looks very peaceful in the great outdoors.

  2. Loved these! India is such a sweetheart and Hobbes is so beautiful. You are so lucky! C.

  3. This is wonderful, Meredith! I have the joys of 13 cats (or is it more already???) that I've adopted, some who I brought home from different circumstances, and some who have turned up at the door, starving and in piteous shape, and one I had to live trap, who to this day is still feral, a year later, even though she goes in and out of the house. Your Itty looks almost exactly like my fat Tiggers--same color and same worried look!!
    Indie is just gorgeous!!
