Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chronicle of a lovely Saturday

Another spectacular day in NW Montana! When Bruce and I woke, we noticed 4 elk in the front yard. We'd known something was up... the Shelties had been telling us all night long. Since we couldn't let the dogs out anyway, we decided to sleep in a bit longer. In other words, the day got off to a great start. :)
I made French toast, while Bruce grilled a few sausages, and got some reading done.  
After breakfast, he set off to get a pile of debris burning. I'm not fooled for a minute. He enjoys playing with fire way too much to call this work.
Although Bruce enjoys prodding at burning wood, the Shelties weren't impressed. They came back up to the house to check on the bunny.  Apparently, keeping the bunny in check involves running around and around and around the bunny coop. They've actually worn a deep track surrounding the entire enclosure.
This little Junco kept a close eye on the dogs. Probably trying to figure out WHY they kept running in circles. I've given up looking for a reason, but I can tell you it's a fun distraction for the two of them.
The real work of the day was gathering all the garbage and taking it to the dump. I would imagine that those of you who live in an urban setting think everyone has garbage pick up service. How we wish it were so!
About once a month, we pile all the garbage into the back of our pick up, and drive the 45 min. to the dump.
It's really not all that bad in the Winter, but in the Summer!!!!  That place REEKS! so much that it really does turn your stomach. A few years back, Cade took his friend with him to help unload, and when this kid got out of the pick up, and the stench hit his nostrils.... well... you can imagine what he did. Bleah! Honestly, it does get that bad.
(Bruce wanted me to take this photo, because, after all... it IS March Madness. :)   You've just got to get into the spirit!  Go Zags!)
So, with Bruce off to the dump, I started in on cleaning the laundry room (which consists of cleaning out the kitty litter, and feeding the parrots). You don't want to see photos of that... but, here is the finished product. 3 happy parrots in a sweeter smelling room, munching peanuts, and pellets.
After that, I had to clean the chair that one of the cats peed on *sighs* and pack away all the Snowmen decorations, unload the dishwasher, make the bed.... you get the idea. Meanwhile, Bruce came back, and decided to wash the car!
I'll admit, the car needed it...

But he DID seem to have an awful lot of fun, playing in the water!

(All clean! until I drive to work!)
Bruce finished up the afternoon playing on his tractor, pulling, and pushing, and making big piles of stuff to burn!  Meanwhile, Selkie and I did the dishes, and made dinner.
(We, often call her Pre-Wash  :)  and don't worry... all the dishes get sterilized in the dishwasher after she's done "helping"). 
I stir-fried up some Jumbo Shrimp (thanks Rod!!!) and pea pods, and served it over rice for a dinner that was out of this world! (Anyone want the recipe? it's QUICK and delicious!)  But as I was cooking, I got to thinking...  Bruce's jobs today were grilling, playing with matches, playing in the water, and playing with a tractor... of course, he did have to take out the garbage.... but compared to MY jobs... cooking, cleaning, kitty litter, saving the chair from cat pee....  Hmmmmmm.....
All joking aside, Bruce works super hard at both home, and his regular job. I honestly, appreciate all he does.  And if I ever DO get to feeling.... less than appreciative? all I have to do is remember how difficult it is to keep up with this house when he's gone!  Shapes me right up! :)  So, there you have it! A day in the life of country living.  We ate our dinner watching elk wander into the backyard, joining the deer who were already milling around. Not bad, huh?


  1. I cracked up at the Shelties running around the cage and Bruce playing with his "toys"! You need an automatic catbox, Mere. They are so much easier. Thanks for letting me see what I'm in for with the garbage. I am NOT looking forward to that!
    I am still figuring out how I will lift it into the back of my SUV by myself. Guess I will need little
    bags... I will need a clothespin for my nose... C.

  2. I can picture the dogs running around the cage. LOL. I know there is more work there compared to the other house, but when it is time to relax there is the great views and the elk and deer and birds that come around
