Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Trip to Visit Cade

On Friday, Bruce and I fed all the animals, cleaned the house, packed suitcases, set out a 4 page detailed document describing each and every idiosyncrasy of each and every fur child we "own", petted, loved, and made numerous promises of "We'll be back!!!" along with pleas of "Be good!" shut and locked the doors, and headed out to Moscow, Idaho to visit our youngest son. Cade.
We met Cade as he was getting off from work at Tri-State Sporting Goods store. We had just enough time to hit the Arby's drive-through, tear back to Cade's subletted house to drop me off, and then, Cade and Bruce rushed to a Baseball game, while I relaxed, read a book, and watched some TV. By the time they got home, it was time for bed... 
BUT the next morning, we were greeted by this view out the bedroom window!
The beautiful Palouse Valley. Cade was thrilled at our enthusiasm. :)
The house Cade is subletting, is in a lovely little subdivision in Pullman, WA. He has a cute little fenced yard, some lovely plants, and a clean, nice 5 bedroom house! in which he's the only occupant at the moment.
He'll stay here through the Summer, and move into an apt. in Moscow, ID when classes start up in the Fall. It's a sweet deal! with low rent, a stocked pantry, and fairly close to his work.

We went to breakfast, and then decided to take in the sights of the Moscow Farmer's Market. I can't say enough how much I LOVE Moscow, Id. and especially the Farmer's Market. The atmosphere is vital, and invigorating.  People buying and selling organic, environmentally sensitive products which they grew, or made themselves. I LOVE it! (have I said that before? :)
At one end of the Market, a band was set up, and playing music. There were people clapping, people beating time with their feet, even people dancing! Children played, laughed, giggled and ran, while leashed dogs occasionally barked through the murmuring crowd noises.

The town of Moscow is beautiful.  Old brick buildings, fountains, ivy, old time street lamps... The trees are numerous, and massive, and the stores are unique and often quaint. It's a treat to explore.

Since we were so close, we decided to take a walk around the Univ. of Idaho campus. Cade wanted to show us the Art and Architecture Building, and the studio where he spends most of his waking hours.
 The campus was breathtaking, per usual.
And here it is! The Art and Architecture Building. Cade's home away from home.
He took us up to the studio.

Cade showed us the locker where he keeps all his supplies and tools.
This is one of Cade's designs.
It's such a blessing to actually SEE the places that are so important to your children.  To be able to visualize them as they go about their day. To understand their lives a bit better.
And with that in mind, Cade took us to the apt. where he'll be living this Fall. It's almost directly across from the Univ. of Idaho campus, and about a block from the local grocery store. 
The view is, once again, very impressive! And I'm pleased to say that Cade actually DOES appreciate it.
Cade will be living in apt. 9, with 3 other friends.
It's a cute apt. with a balcony- Cade's room is a bit small, but nothing he can't deal with.
 With so many college students living there during the school year, it's almost like being in a dorm. His biggest problem, is that he has NO furniture- so we took him bargain shopping at Goodwill.
We found the deal of a life time!!! A nightstand for $6, and a desk for $10! Now, all he needs is a bed, a chair, and something to put his clothes in.
It  was early evening when we picked up a pizza, and rented a movie. Storm clouds were rolling in, and we were gifted to watch an exciting rainstorm move across the Valley.
Cade had to work again Sunday morning. We ate cinnamon rolls together before he headed out. The trip home is always a bit sadder than when you're looking forward to seeing the ones you love. Instead of dwelling on that, Bruce and I are just grateful for our weekend with Cade- thankful he WANTED us to come be with him for awhile.


  1. I enjoyed your little tour of Moscow so much! Thank you, Mere! My realtor from Sisters, OR moved there and is a realtor. He liked the normal environment for his kids. I like all the activities Moscow has. It is a very beautiful town and safe for Cade. I hope to visit there in the future, once I get to Kalispell. C.

  2. Thanks Bruce & Meredith for sharing. I think this shows just the kind of parents you both are. Ans also what a son you have to invite you into his surroundings. the weekend and the pics you took will be forever priceless.
    You two are special people.

  3. I really enjoyed this. I'm so impressed with Cade's studies. What a great field to get into. And he has such a talent & passion for it all. It's Dad's artistic genes coming thru. Your trip was amazingly wonderful and so good to actually see your son's life as he lives it day to day.
