Monday, May 31, 2010

Wynter on parade

So- all this is my sister, Candi's, fault.  I was telling her about watching Wyn in the pasture tonight, and how I'd taken a series of photos- all the way from her first noticing me by the fence, right up to her prancing her way over to see if I was handing out food. :) 
Candi wanted to see the entire series, so here goes!
I just never get over how beautiful she is!


  1. She is very beautiful and regal. Her head is high and tail up. Very nice pics. :)

  2. I can't get over it either. She is just magnificent! And the other thing is, she just seems so HAPPY to be where she is. That makes me feel good.

  3. Thanks to Candice! I really enjoyed these pics!
    Wynter is such a gorgeous girl! I can't believe she threw you... She has such a sweet face, but Arabians are known to be high strung and they do have their moments...
