Sunday, January 27, 2019


Yesterday, I was beside myself. A friend of mine, someone in authority, with influence, posted a ridiculous video on FB. It was so outrageous, I was disheartened to think anyone could watch it and not question it... not research it... not consider the source- but here was this person, this intelligent person, totally, and blindly, not only re-posting it, but tagging people to join her in her disgust about something that wasn't happening, and was blatantly untrue.

Unfortunately, this is human nature. It is SO freakin' fun to bash and hate an abstract group- in this case it was California liberals, in other cases, it could be almost anyone. Participating in THEM vs US mentality makes us feel superior- makes us feel like WE are the ones on the CORRECT side- makes us feel smug- so very smug. We are powerful with allies, and it's so much easier to trot out cliches and platitudes and campaign slogans than it is to think and empathize and understand. That's the whole point behind the names, and finger pointing: Snowflakes, Libtards, Tree-huggers, etc. to make yourself feel better, and smarter than the person with a differing opinion. 

BUT I digress... this really WASN'T what I wanted to blog about. Suffice to say, I was dealing with being angry, hurt, and disappointed when I looked outside and saw two of my mares alerting to something in the far pasture. When I pulled on my boots, and walked outside, Journey and Magick were prancing in circles, stopping, queued into to something out of my sight, snorting and pawing before cantering off to a safer distance. What could I do but go investigate? 

I didn't have to walk far before I saw the source of their discomfort- a lovely, young, cow elk.

I'm sure she must have been with others who were safely ensconced in the woods, but I never saw them.

I watched her for awhile before turning for home.

And that's when I heard them.... 
A pair of eagles, sitting in our tree, overlooking the house and barn.

They were magnificent.

As you can see, I couldn't stop snapping photos! 

I started getting a little nervous for our feral, barn cat, Salem. If he strolled out, unaware, these two would have no trouble picking him up for lunch- so, with some regret, I shoo-ed them on their way.

Once again, Wind's Echo had grounded me, calmed me, soothed me. I stood quietly, breathing in deeply, appreciating the beauty around me, and realigning my priorities once more.
I know more about my friend now-
But knowledge is a good thing.

And I decided I liked who, what and where I was in Life- 
despite being a Feminist, lazy, Liberal. 


  1. Beautiful pictures !!! I'm sorry your friend caused you stress. But I can see how Wind's Echo can calm you down with the peace and serenity and nature around you.

  2. yes, you are very blessed to open door and catch these shots.
