Friday, February 26, 2010

Feels like April

Because it was such a beautiful day (and because I was trying to get back into the good graces of the Shelties, after this morning's interrupted routine), Selkie, Piper and I walked up to get the mail.
We stopped to pet and bark at sweet old Dakota before heading up the long driveway.  I think she's starting to do a little bit better lately. She whinnies more, and challenges the elk like she used to. I'm still trying to get her a new companion, but I'm not as panicked about it as I was.
We kept up a fairly quick pace (at least until I got to the hill! whew!)
And I was so proud of the Shelties! They actually stayed on the driveway, while I crossed Blue Slide to get to the mailbox! They are learning! (actually... Selkie has always been very obediant... It's Piper who is coming around!)
Piper says we need to do this more often! (and he's right!)  Like every day!  I guess I should take advantage of the weather we've been having instead of complaining. I just hope that NEXT Winter, WE get the snow! instead of my sister in Dallas. *sighs*


  1. It looks like late spring there in these pics. I'm glad Dakota is doing better.

  2. ...and your daughter in Birmingham! (:

  3. Ha! Mom, you must have been signed on as me from when I was at your house. (Sorry!)

    Mere, your photos are just gorgeous!
