Saturday, February 13, 2010

My walk

Saturday seemed more like a day in late March, or early April.... certainly NOT February! It was 50 degrees in Thompson Falls!!! so Bruce and I decided to go "shed hunting" (which has nothing to do with garden sheds, and everything to do with finding antlers that the bucks have dropped).
We took the Shelties, of course. Piper and Selkie ran at least three times the distance we walked! They LOVE a good romp in the woods.
 We ended up down at the point overlooking Deep Creek Bay, and the Clarks' Fork Resevoir.
There were some Bufflehead ducks in the water, and we watched as an eagle taught her youngster how to hunt. (Not to worry... neither got anything. All the ducks escaped unharmed)
 The immature Bald eagle doesn't have a white head yet, but is starting to get some white here and there.
There were some geese in the water, honking up a storm! The eagles didn't even glance at them.
We watched them awhile until they finally decided amongst themselves to fly to a less crowded part of the river. You could hear them grumbling. :)
No antlers yet. I decided to head back towards the house, and check out the neighbor's cows. They're calving now, and the babies are darling! Bruce went the opposite way to continue his search. He's less than impressed with cows.
The mothers weren't terribly thrilled to see me arrive. They are rightfully protective of their young, and I didn't want to stress them out... so I decided to bother the ones who haven't calved yet. :)
They were a bit more cooperative.(Here's where you Moo, Lila! :)
I headed for home. Fed the chickens and Dakota, then, headed up to the house to start dinner. It felt so good to be outside, breathing in the fresh air, getting a bit of exercise and watching the animals. I scared up 15 head of Whitetails... but couldn't find a single antler!  Not that either Bruce or I really cared. The point was to be outside. And even though I know we NEED another major snowstorm badly... and will probably get several more snowfalls before April, days like this really get me in the mood for Spring!


  1. Such a nice day there to go for a walk. These are great pics of the birds and cows. The goose in flight was amazing. Perhaps on another walk you can find some antlers. It does look more like spring there than winter. Piper and Selkie seemed to enjoy the walk as well.
