Sunday, February 21, 2010

Update on the Golden

So many of you have emailed me and asked about the Golden Eagle.  Freedom (yes... I have a terrible habit of naming any and all animals that come into my life) made it through the night! Much to Bruce's surprise.  But the best news is that she/he moved a tiny, tiny bit... giving us just a faint glimmer of hope.  Bruce will take her/him to Kalispell tomorrow to a rehabilitator, in the hopes something may be done to save her. For now, Freedom is living in a large dog kennel (barely large enough for her- but, even that may be good- immobilization is the best we can do until we know what she's up against) in our garage. All our animals can smell the Eagle, and sit by the garage door wanting in- but we are not letting anyone in to upset Freedom. He/She must be scared enough as it is.

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