Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dog and cats in the snow

So, Thursday morning I decided the cats needed to check out the snow, too!
Hobbes is experienced with this sort of thing. He hugged the house, and knew all the best protected places with the least amount of snow.
Poor India didn't know what had hit him! LOL!  But he followed Hobbes' lead, and explored all around the house by hugging the walls.
This wasn't really what I had in mind, so when I got Itty, I helped him a bit....
by throwing him into the snow.
Itty was NOT impressed!
Piper acted as a "life guard" of sorts.
Itty meowed the entire time, and quickly scooted to the door, asking to be let inside!
The Shelties, on the other hand, can't get enough!
They LOVE being outside in the snow!
Even though it's deeper than Selkie is tall, she bravely leaps through the snow until she can get to a shoveled path.
Piper, being a bit larger, doesn't have quite as much trouble as Selkie
What do you mean? too many photos of the dogs???  Okay- just one more.
because I have to ask you- which dog do you think is the smartest? LOL! Selkie always takes the path, and Piper very often runs through the deep snow.


  1. Poor India. He looks like lost. Good thing Itty had Piper to show him the ropes. I know Selkie and Piper always loved the snow. Seems they never get enough.

  2. Loved all of these... Did you stay by India on his excursion? I know he can't hear you... Loved the Shelties and their fun!
