Sunday, January 29, 2012


Just a quick update:
The man who caused me to make this blog private has continued to try to make problems for Bruce and I.  Apparently, he took his complaints, and copies of my blog to the Director of Fish and Game.  He stated that he has tried to get back on this blog but was blocked- insinuating that we have something to hide.  The Director, frankly, didn't warrant it enough of a problem to be bothered, and sent a letter stating that Bruce's boss would handle the matter, by arranging a meeting with the complainant. When attempts to contact this man were in vain (as they were continually hung up on), they documented the tries, and submitted my blog, along with photos to the Warden Captain, who shrugged off the entire "feeding wildlife" issue as a non-violation.  I apparently didn't drop anywhere near enough hay on the ground while feeding my mares to come close to "baiting or feeding wildlife".
I have no doubts that this man will not stop here, BUT it has been documented that Bruce and I have done nothing wrong, and that this man vehemently disagrees with Bruce's management style (to which I say... Go to college- get a Master's degree- apply for Bruce's job, and THEN see if you can do better) and "really has it in for Bruce".

I'd been considering opening the blog back up- but the thought of this man reading about my family sends chills up and down my spine. It's going to remain closed for quite a while to come.


  1. I think he may be jealous of the fact that the animals come to your property because they know you won't cause them harm. He would probably shoot them if they came on his land, and that's what he wants. It's not your fault they are there when you out to feed the mares.

  2. Yikes. I think you are doing the right thing in keeping the blog private. The nice thing about being a good person is that when people like this come your way, you get to rely on your positive track record and good reputation and typically nobody pays any mind to the accuser. But still...ANNOYING!!!

  3. Mere - okay, think I'm getting it more now - illegal to bait and feed - bait so you can easily hunt? feed so you un-balance? word? nature? Frankly, I think you are absolutely correct to be afraid of this fellow. Had I listened to my gut 3 yrs ago, certain things may not have transpired. Have you considered requesting a restraining order against this person? Just requesting - so it is on record? If you get once all the better. And posting no trespassing signs? Yeah, my friend - keep this private. What a jerk. love you

  4. So sorry this nutcase will not let it go. I know it puts both you and Bruce under unneeded stress... I'm glad you will keep things private. He is the unlucky one not getting to enjoy all your wonderful posts.
