Saturday, January 21, 2012

Horses and bunnies in the snow

First, I feed the horses. They are wet from the constant snow fall, and Wynter is shivering.  She HATES weather like this.
Even though Dakota is the Senior Citizen at 25 yrs. old, she handles this storm better than Wynter. 
I give all three of them extra hay.  I feel so sorry for them.
Then, it's time to head up the hill to feed the bunnies.
The bunny coop is almost completely buried in the snow.
But the bunnies don't mind one bit. They are living in the tunnels they excavated last Summer.
They DO appreciate the food, however.

1 comment:

  1. Do you ever put waterproof blankets on the horses? They do that a lot up here.... The bunnies are coping so well... I see why they get out all the time. They sure are expert diggers, aren't they?
